How To Use Template Hooks

Template hooks are deprecated anyway.

Use template modifications instead.



I am attempting to understand why a template modification is not being applied.

Despite multiple searches of this forum I can not find anything about how the Template Modification system works - your post I quoted above constantly bubbles to the top of my searches.


If Template Hooks have been depreciated by Template Modifications, then where is a tutorial for Template Modifications ??

Specifically, how can I learn how the 'order of execution' works. I have conflicting template modifications from two different add-ons applying to the same template. It appears that the Execution Order applies within the subset of a single Add-on. How can I set the order of who's Add-on gets first bite at a template ?

I searched 'template modifications' with 'titles only' checked and scoping entire forum.

Six pages of results. That thread does not appear.

Not sure what you can do about that, good search is hard. There is a reason Google earns billions a week.
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