how to upload a video into a Forum-Thread ?


Well-known member
I have made a video with my Android mobile-phone.

Now I would like to upload this video directly here into a Forum-thread.

How do I upload my video into a thread without using YouTube or Vimeo, etc.

I just want to upload my video directly into a Forum-Thread.

.... and don't tell me this is not possible.... otherwise I will have to patent this multi-billion-dollar idea :p:D;)

It would be possible with an add-on which allowed video to be hosted locally.

Otherwise you will need to upload it elsewhere and then embed it.
.... and don't tell me this is not possible....
To answer this part, it's certainly possible with custom work, but I suspect there are quite a few very good reasons why it hash't been done already.\

One reason uploading videos onto the internet (and onto forums) is not as ubiquitous as uploading images is simple: file size and bandwidth. Your average common-or-garden picture will be in the realms of a few hundred kilobytes, give or take, perhaps stretching to a megabyte or two for really big images or complicated GIFs. Videos, however, will be anything from a few megabytes to several hundred megabytes, depending on length and quality.

To do the math, let's assume I upload a 500kB image and a 50MB - or 50,000kB* - video into a thread. For argument's sake, let's also assume 100 people visit the thread in question, and they all load the image and load the entire video.

So, firstly, the images: 500kB x 100 is 50,000kB, or 50MB. In English, this means that 100 people downloading the 500kb image results in 50MB of bandwidth usage. This is a pretty big image, but typical of an image uploaded straight from a smartphone without processing.

Next, let's move onto our short video: 50,000kB x 100 is 5,000,000kB, or 5GB. Yes, 5 gigabytes. So a few small videos on your forum can easily make a mess of your bandwidth bills. There are also other, server-related problems with transmitting videos, but I am not familiar enough with this to speak with any authority.

The thing is, really, YouTube and Vimeo are both established, well-used to hosting videos, and most importantly, free. In my eyes, I don't personally see a compelling reason to self-host my user's videos over just allowing them to upload to YouTube, which is what they already do and are well-versed in.

*For the sake of simplicity I'm assuming a megabyte is 1000 kilobytes, as opposed to the more traditional 1024 kilobytes. Both are technically correct.
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