How to turn off all email functions XF2.0?


Active member

I am in the process of having some of my users beta test my install of XF2 prior to the site going live. My old vB site is still up and running. I do not want any of the users on the live site getting emails in response to the activities of my testers on the XF2 site. Is there a way to globally disable all outbound emails from the forum?
Add the following to library/config.php before the upgrade or src/config.php after the upgrade (this value should carry across, but worth checking it has after upgrading):
$config['enableMail'] = false;
Soo... I was told the email function on my new server was disabled. Believing that, I invited a handful of users from my live site to come to the new site and help me do some testing. I had intended to keep the IP of the new site private for now. The domain is still pointing to live site, so having the IP is the only way to access the new site. Unfortunately, an unknown number of emails were sent out when one of my testers replied to a thread. Of course he replied to one of the BIGGEST threads on the whole freaking forum... So anyway, there is a good chance that all the people that are following that thread will have received an email with the IP as part of the address. Now I am faced with the prospect of users from the live site coming over to the test site if I don't keep it closed.

Is there a way to allow the testing users access while keeping everyone else out?

I picked the particular people as testers because they belong to the various user groups I have and I wanted to make sure the usergroup permissions and such were working properly. If I clump them all into the same user group to allow access (assuming that is even possible), I'm thinking that would mess up the ability to test their user group functions.

Am I just out of luck here?
Also, does this password protect the directory or just the admin.php file?

<Files admin.php>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "ACP"
AuthUserFile "path/to/passwd/file"
Require valid-user
So the easy thing to do to make the site password protected was to use cPanel. I did not have to edit the .htaccess file.

cPanel has a Directory Privacy option. I just clicked on /public_html, checked the box for password protect, gave it a name and saved. Then I came back to that screen, created a username/password, and saved. Done. Works perfect.

When I take the site live, I'll try the above option for protecting the admin.php file.

Thanks for the help!
So I am having a slight issue with regard to the password protected directory.

Before I got an extra dedicated IP for my new VPS, I was editing the hosts file on my desktop computer to make the domain name go to the new server. So anytime I wanted to switch back to my live site, I had to re-edit the hosts file, save it, close the browser, then do the ipconfig /flushdns before re-opening the browser. That was cumbersome, but it worked.

Now I have an extra dedicated IP that points just to the test forum. So I don't edit the hosts file anymore. I just use http://IP/ and that connects.

Here is what gets odd. When I am at home, I enter the IP and go straight to the test site. Since it is password protected now, I enter the credentials and I am good to go from then on, whether browsing the test forum or using the Admin CP for the test forum. I can have a browser tab open on the test site and the live site at the same time without any issues.

However, here at work where I am also on a Win7 Pro desktop, I am getting odd behavior. When I go to the test site and enter the credentials for the password protected directory, I get it, but then when I try to load a new page, it keeps prompting me for the credentials again. It seems to work better when I am browsing the test forum, but when using the Admin CP, it makes me re-enter the credentials every single time I try to load a new page or save something. I checked the hosts file and it no longer has any entries regarding the domain of the live site or the test site. I have done the ipconfig /flushdns thing multiple times. However, I suspect that is not related. It is almost like the credentials just keep timing out or are not staying set after I enter them.

Any clues?
So, both at home and at work, I use FireFox as my browser. On a whim, I opened IE here at work and it seems to work just fine. So I guess there is something whacked in my work FF that is causing the issue. No clue what it might be though. Does the password protect work via setting a cookie? Maybe a cookie setting in FF is the issue? Or perhaps might it have something to do with popup blocking...?
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