XF 1.5 How to move Xenforo from sub domain to sub folder


So, i decided to move my forum from the sub domain to sub folder.

forum.example.com "TO" www.example.com/forum

When I tried moving all the files to a different directory. All of the threads and forums received page not found error
Thanks for the help

@Mike In search engine result page, some of the threads has the old URL. For exaple

The new url is website.com/forum

but it shows forums.website.com for some of the threads
You'd be better off placing redirects for the entire old URL to the new URL (anything from forum.domain.com/* will be redirected to domain.com/forum/*). There are a few approaches to this. Here's one example: Simple Redirect Subdomain to a Directory

I have tried the one you shared, but it is not working.

Traffics from forum.website.com does not redirect to www.website.com/forum.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^forum\.yourdomain\.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www\.yourdomain\.com/forum/$1 [L]
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