How to make changes to the thread title?

I hadn't time to check if the abstract proxy extending is working (and/or why it was working for me) but while a quick search in my addons code, i've seen that i've used it this way:
    * addon data related datawriters
    * @devtools verify_array_post_xfupgrade
    * @devtools_msg "**new addon data relevant datawriters available?**"
    * @return array
   public static function getAddonDataWriters(){
     return [

public static function loadClassDatawriter($class, &$extend){
  if (
  #!self::$baseExtended &&
  in_array($class, self::getAddonDataWriters())){
  #  self::$baseExtended = true;
  $extend[] = 'Devtools_Extend_XenForo_DataWriter';

// and inside my proxyclass i'm able to run e.g.
  protected function _preSave(){

  // xenforo doesn't check if the class exists, bugreport was moved to "feature request" .....
  if ($this instanceof XenForo_DataWriter_RoutePrefix){
  if ($this->isChanged('route_class'))
  $class = $this->get('route_class');

  if (!XenForo_Application::autoload($class))
  $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_valid_callback_method_x_y', array('class' => $class)), 'route_class');
As @AndyB said, Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, and hope you don't mind bumping this thread again and.. I would like to ask if you know any methods that allow to extend an abstract class in XF 2.x like this?
As @AndyB said, Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, and hope you don't mind bumping this thread again and.. I would like to ask if you know any methods that allow to extend an abstract class in XF 2.x like this?

You are better off starting a new thread and prefix it with 2.0 instead of asking in a 1.x thread.
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