XF 2.0 How to increase size of avatars?


Active member
I've read through the forums a bit, and it appears that there's no real control to increase the avatars size. I found a style property that lets me go from "small" to "medium" sized avatars, but they're still far too small for my liking.

Has anyone found CSS or another way to increase the size of avatars in Xenforo 2? Ideally, I'd like to be around 150-175px for my current theme. Thanks in advance for any help!
I'm not sure what style property you're referring to, but you can go up to the "l" size avatar, which is 192x192 if you want. You can then use CSS to scale that down.

You'd need to edit the template that controls the avatar to change the size called though.
I'm not sure what style property you're referring to, but you can go up to the "l" size avatar, which is 192x192 if you want. You can then use CSS to scale that down.

You'd need to edit the template that controls the avatar to change the size called though.

Sorry, the style property that I'm looking at is the "Messages" property. I'm only given a small or medium option for avatar. Is there a separate area that I should be looking?
Can you give the name of the property? Out of the box there isn't an avatar size property in that group. It sounds like it may be an option of the style you're using.
Yeah, that will be a style property of theirs.

Presumably they don't offer large as an option as it would require further changes to the width of the user info section (though that is doable).
Gotcha, that makes sense. Is there any guide on how to do it through Xenforo's default style? I could try to mimic it in this style if I had something to work off of, possibly.
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