XF 2.1 How to Force a Signature on Certain Profiles ?

I want to force certain users or moderators 'signature' to display a custom signature that I set.

Instead of giving them an ability to set their own signature, I want to display custom signature for my moderators.
Have you found any sloution to this?

We need the ability to set signature for usergroup whereby members who are in an x usergroup carry a pre-set signature.
Have you found any sloution to this?

We need the ability to set signature for usergroup whereby members who are in an x usergroup carry a pre-set signature.
I do not believe there is any new information that has been found. You could get a custom addon created, and do it like that. Or you could run a query (like beerForo said, I believe that might work) every so often to update it massively. Or you could just force a signature on specific users, by editing their user.
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