
  1. O

    XF 2.2 Limit The Signature Display Area

    We recently moved from vb and we have this template edit where we set the signature to 500x200px to prevent oversized signatures and have uniform size. That applies to the entire signature space not just the image. So even if there's no image in the signature and just text, anything that...
  2. Terry Love

    XF 2.2 Adding location and signatures

    Running 1.5 I was able to show user location below their picture and a signature below their post. That disappeared in the latest version. I have a plumbing forum, and knowing the state or province they are from helps us to better answer their questions. What local code they are under and what...
  3. Azaly

    Lack of interest Separate external and internal links in signature

    Hi. It could be useful to separate external and internal links in signature, so admin could allow users to post internal links in their signature, but disallow external links. It quite frustrating to see when users try to use their signatures as ad after a while.
  4. onesoftindiana

    XF 2.1 How to Force a Signature on Certain Profiles ?

    I want to force certain users or moderators 'signature' to display a custom signature that I set. Instead of giving them an ability to set their own signature, I want to display custom signature for my moderators.
  5. D

    XF 2.0 Add limit to signature image size

    Hi @Chris D Can you tell me how i can set a limit for the signature image? For example, i don't want forummembers to use a signature picture bigger than 500x100 pixels. WithxHeigth. How to set this up?
  6. TickTackk

    Signature Once 2.0.8

    Signature Once for XenForo 2.2.0+ Description This add-on allows user signature to be shown only once per thread or once per page. Requirements PHP 7.4.0+ Options Threads, discussions and conversations NameDescription Show user's signature once per conversationIf unchecked, user's...
  7. creativeforge

    XF 1.5 Adding Paypal link in signature?

    Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has been able to do this? It's to allow people to donate toward work to be done. Would be nice to have something discrete... Thank you! Andre
  8. creativeforge

    XF 1.5 Signature: automatically show icons for social urls?

    Hi all, this has probably been discussed before, but I couldn't find it, so if you know where, please let me know? I'd like for the members signatures to display an icon instead of a full URL. It gets pretty busy otherwise, and I like how tidy it looks with icons. (Facebook, Soundcloud...
  9. derandechser

    XF 1.4 Hide signatures to guests "advanced"...

    Hi there, i just have a question about the signatures. I know, it´s possible to hide signatures for guests. But is this possible: I only want to show admin signature and hide the other signatures to guests. Is there a way to handle it? Thank you and have a good day, Peter
  10. creativeforge

    XF 1.4 Wasted space - moving signature closer to content?

    I noticed there is a lot of wasted space on the page, because if someone writes a one-liner, the signature and controls will always sit flush with the bottom of the user profile box. Is it possible to have the text positioned higher, while allowing the user profile box to determine the...
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