how to disable referrer ? need mod or tweak guide

There is no referrer feature in XenForo.

I suspect it may be an add-on you have installed.
no, i mean when i post some link in post, then click it, i'll send referrer to linked site.
but i realy need some tweak or mod (i'm sure not only me need that) to completely disable referrer sending
for example all links should be placed via some php script with javascript redirect, or something
i have over9k posts!!!
and, forum members posting links every day!
i know still some hack to vbulletin to disable referrer sending
and i need same solution for xenforo

as requested...

all external urls in posts,signatures and all content types using the xenforo parser will get an prefix
Which part of ragtek's add-on doesn't satisfy your needs? It runs all links via thereby removing the referrer. I'm not sure if it's retroactive, though.
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