How to disable e-mail notifications?


Active member
Hi, I like XenForo, but my users are complaining about notification. They are disabling "Replies to a watched thread" in Alert Preferences, but still receiving emails about new post in watched thread, so they need to go to the tread > More options > and check off "Watch this thread..." and "and receive email notifications". If any global way to disable e-mail notification? Thanks )
My guess would be they had the "Replies to a watched thread" email alerts enabled, then made posts in some threads - then later turned the option off.

I told my members to make another post to those threads, but in "more options" un-check the 'email notification' options.

Probably telling them to click on 'Watch Thread' when viewing one of the threads causing emails to be sent, then delete subscription, the re-subscribe without email notifications would be easier, but I wanted to encourage posting a bit more :)
They can click on "All Watched Threads", select all the checkboxes and choose "Disable Email Notification".

That will remove it for all threads they currently have it set for.

If they have disabled it in their preferences then no emails will be received for any new threads they post on.
I'm having a problem with a forum that is sending me email notifications even when I've disabled them:
"Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply" is checked and "receive email notifications of replies" box is unchecked

Any suggestion regarding this Brogan?
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