I see mobile Xenforo theme has [Mark Forums Read] displayed VERY prominently. Like it's the most important function of a forum.
This thread, and just basic forum knowledge, clearly shows the vast minority of users can at all about Marking Forums Read.
Admins, Forum Rats, the people who will read this thread .... a minority of even them care about Mark Forums Read.
I then ask you ... why does [Mark Forums Read] occupy such prime real estate in Xenforo 2.0 default theme ?
Forums should curb back on features that people don't care about. So, in a needs analysis, if you care about the 93+% of users that aren't forum rats, Mark Forums Read should disappear entirely.
I don't expect that to happen. For many reasons. #1 is Xenforo Ltd. loves Mark Forums Read for it's own use.
But that shouldn't be enough to make the default forum theme keep this seldom used feature.
For all the people who don't use Mark Forums read and aren't reading this ... Please vote #4 and #5.
For all the forum rats and admins, please gush over how often you use Mark Forums Read.
I see Reddit doesnt have a Mark Forums Read. Amazing they survived.