How do I link directly to the signup form page

Sadik B

Well-known member

Currently if I want to have a custom "Sign Up Now" link, there are two steps that a user has to follow. First either the top Javascript dropdown or the a page asking whether user wants to login or signup and second if the user is new, he is directed to the page

What is I want to send the user directly to the sign up form by clicking just one link, to send him to the full registration page. If I link directly to it throws an error This action is available via POST only. Please press the back button and try again.

Hints anyone?

Currently if I want to have a custom "Sign Up Now" link, there are two steps that a user has to follow. First either the top Javascript dropdown or the a page asking whether user wants to login or signup and second if the user is new, he is directed to the page

What is I want to send the user directly to the sign up form by clicking just one link, to send him to the full registration page. If I link directly to it throws an error This action is available via POST only. Please press the back button and try again.

Hints anyone? works
Ok another question, is there a template conditional for finding whether the user is on the Register page or not. Sort of how with THIS_SCRIPT we could identify if the user is viewing the register page. Basically I am showing a notice which is not supposed to appear on the register page.
Thanks ragtek and Onimua.

what is it you are wanting to achieve exactly?
if you are wanting to add a notice to only the register page, why not add it to register_form template?

Basically I am showing a notice to only guests asking them to register. This notice should NOT appear on register page obviously. This is the code I put in ad_below_top_breadcrumb in case someone wants to do the same.

<xen:hook name="ad_below_top_breadcrumb" />
<xen:if is="{$controllerName} != 'XenForo_ControllerPublic_Register'">
<xen:if is="!{$visitor.user_id}">
<div class="guest_notice">
Guest Notice

I know it's just a patch up job. I have an addon i created to do template inserts and I will put this in that later.
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