How do I allow members to ignore moderators/administrators?


Well-known member
Since there are no ignore system settings can anyone advise on how I would be able to allow my members to ignore moderators and/or administrators?

Shaun :D
XenForo_Model_UserIgnore::canIgnoreUser and remove/comment out

if ($user['is_moderator'] || $user['is_admin'])
if ($setError)
$error = new XenForo_Phrase('staff_members_may_not_be_ignored');
return false;
XenForo_Model_UserIgnore::canIgnoreUser and remove/comment out

if ($user['is_moderator'] || $user['is_admin'])
if ($setError)
$error = new XenForo_Phrase('staff_members_may_not_be_ignored');
return false;

Just a though - can I modify that first line so that you can ignore everyone except the Admin/Owner user account? (In my case, User ID: 1)

Shaun :D
Just a though - can I modify that first line so that you can ignore everyone except the Admin/Owner user account? (In my case, User ID: 1)

Shaun :D
class Ragtek_TeamIgnore_Model_UserIgnore extends XFCP_Ragtek_TeamIgnore_Model_UserIgnore
public function canIgnoreUser($userId, array $user, &$error = '')
$return = parent::canIgnoreUser($userId, $user, $error);
if ($return == false AND $error == new XenForo_Phrase('staff_members_may_not_be_ignored') AND $user['user_id'] != 1)
return true;
return $return;
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