XF 2.2 How can i show limited content to Google?


Active member
Our forum is for club members only (password protected). I would like a small intro section to be visible to anyone prior to login, especially so that Google can pick it up and show the forum in its search results.

Any tips on how to do this?
I had it working fine on vB4.2 prior to migration.

Regards, Mike
If you have the main view permission for guests set to no then your options are basically limited to displaying a notice.

Otherwise it would require changing the approach and setting specific permissions for each area.
Make one forum open to visitors which don't require logging in to view. Put in a one or more threads explaining whatever you would like, for example what the forum is about and other details.
None of those are permission controlled so you would have to edit templates and use conditional statements -- $xf.visitor.user_id -- to prevent guests accessing the content.
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