Fixed Horizontal and Vertical Problem on Mobile

This doesn't seem like the right solution. I tried that, and then the orientation is always vertical, even if I turn on auto-orientation. This solved one problem, but created another.
Strange, my site rotates fine (Samsung s21)

Are you using a special theme that locks it?
It's not a special theme, only plain Xenforo installation with a few addons, nothing special. I use Samsung s23 Ultra, if that means anything.
This doesn't seem like the right solution. I tried that, and then the orientation is always vertical, even if I turn on auto-orientation. This solved one problem, but created another.

That isn't the case with me. I am using the addon and have no issue with auto orientation.

Some of my users also reported the same problem. I can't give much detail as I haven't experienced this problem myself.

There are users who have the same problem from the browser or the PWA.
Even though Screen Rotation is locked, the screen rotates to horizontal position with a slight flip.
Same problem here. :(
That add-on didn't work for me. I wrote about that above. It would be good if we get an official fix in the next version of Xenforo.
Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future XF release (2.2.14).

Change log:
Update webmanifest orientation to use natural as this should derive from the system's settings.
There may be a delay before changes are rolled out to the XenForo Community.
I don't believe any of the changes we've made here actually worked.

For me, on the phone I'm using to test, an empty value for orientation and a value of "natural" seem to behave the same -- regardless of the system orientation lock, the PWA does not rotate.

But then a value of any no longer seems to rotate either so I'm probably hitting some caching stuff, but it's extremely annoying to test.
The change hasn't been rolled out here, but we've opted to remove the orientation from the manifest since it doesn't appear any value yields the desired behavior.
It's been fixed again:

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