Hide Poll Results

Hide Poll Results 1.1.6

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Wonderful idea. Does it happen to add a post or anything at the end of the thread once the poll has finished? Reason I ask is that many of our polls seem to lose interest after a short time and end up off the front page. It would be nice to bump them once the poll closes.
I have a problem with this, I have a poll and it randomly un-ticks the "hide poll results" button by itself! I tick it back hiding the results, next day it's un-ticked again and everyone can see the results.

This has been going on for days now - has anyone else had any issues with this?
Hey, I am having an issue with the results of a poll still showing up:

Any ideas?
Still waiting for this to be fixed. :(

In addition to that, I am now getting server errors:

ErrorException: Undefined property: XenForo_ControllerResponse_Reroute::$params - library/HidePollResults/ControllerPublic/Thread.php:63

ErrorException: Argument 1 passed to HidePollResults_Model_Poll::canViewPollResults() must be an array, null given, called in /*****/public_html/community/library/HidePollResults/ControllerPublic/Thread.php on line 63 and defined - library/HidePollResults/Model/Poll.php:5
Yeah I don't see getting any responses anytime soon, I've noted this 6 months ago and nothing yet.

And remember I paid for the damn thing to be developed. :(
I cannot seem to get this one to work. Set Admin Usergroup Permissions as such but I can still see the results


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