Help moving from VB


New member

I've been a long time admirer of xenforo, but had to use VB for a recent project due to integration with other software.

I've now been able to get around this and looking forward to moving to xenforo.

My question is:

How do I get all my data from VB to use in the XF importer?

It's a small forum I use for support, so there's only around 100 users and not that many posts.
You just configure the importer with the path to the database and login credentials.
It's all very simple.
So I don't have to export anything? I just delete all the vbulletin files and install xenforo in the same directory and fill out the database details in the importer?

(thanks for the rapid help :) )
The usual method is to install XenForo in a temporary directory, perform the import, then move the XenForo installation and delete the vB installation.

So just to be clear, if I install XF on in a /xf/ directory and perform the import, delete VB, and then change the directory to /forum/ that will work?
When I'm doing the 'Configuration Builder', do I enter the same details as I have for the VB forum (MySQL user/password/database), or should they be unique, and then I'm importing later?
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