Man made climate change is myth. Oh yes, we warm the Earth- every heater, every air conditioner, ever electric light bulb, every internal combustion engine... Heck even every human generates heat- so in that respect, yes humans cause the Earth to warm.
But these is no proof humans are causing climate change, and certainly not destructive climate change.
The climate is not constant- it never was and never will be. The Earth does not exist in homeostasis. Deserts expand ans shrink, lakes dry up, rivers move. Running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to tax carbon dioxide, an absolutely MINOR non-toxic "greenhouse gas" is either very stupid or very criminal depending how smart you consider the people suggesting it.
Biggest greenhouse gas is in fact... Water vapor. It is a bajillion times more effcient at trapping heat than CO2.
Also, one thing completely ignored by the climate models is the ONE thing that matter most in the World's climate... the SUN. All climate models assume constant or predictable output of the Sun. We have zero reason to believe the Sun output is constant or predictable. Indeed we know for sure it is not constant, so the fall back is that it is predictable. However they cannot predict the weather 5 days out here on Earth and they think they can predict the Sun for the next 10, 100, or even 500 years.
Earth is either coming out of OR going into an Ice Age... Guess what... It is better to be coming OUT of one. Civilization will survive a rise in ocean levels. Even if we had to abandon our coastal cities, Civilization survives. If we go into an Ice Age with MILES of ice over the majority of North America and Europe and Asia... MILES of it- That civilization may NOT survive.