XF 2.1 Health check problem (Dragula.js) (SOLVED)

I read another thread on this issue but mine is different, mine says dragula.js is missing and when I looked in the path they specified it wasn't there, only dragula.min.js was there, so I added dragula.js back in from my xenforo 2.1 local files, then when I did the recheck, it still said it was missing, when I refreshed my ftp server, the file was somehow deleted!

My host is godaddy. Any idea why this is happening?
Argh, tried to contact godaddy, super frustrating experience to get to anyone. 25 minute+ wait time.
I didn't move the xf off godaddy for any service issue or even for this issue. I had decided this was going on because of the php version, 5.6 which I didn't want to upgrade because I have other stuff running on the same hosting which would break if I did.

So I moved to a different hosting and got php 7.x so I could use PUSH with xf 2.1. Magically, this problem ended with the move.

I'm not saying gd is bad or anything, just reporting my own experience with this particular issue and that it stopped after moving.
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