H2 Changed to Span


Well-known member
Whenever a post in WordPress is placed inside XenForo (XenScripts), the H2 tag is changed to a span and the CSS fails. Here is the view of what happens.


Notice that the spacing above the word "Ants" is missing. Firebug isn't help because the span is just an element.style.

Here is the WP version

Here is the XF version

Any suggestions on what to put in the XF css style to get the spacing?
It's using inline styling. There is no class to select on.

Presumably the XenScripts addon has code for this replacement. Perhaps you could find that code and change the replacement?
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        $body = '';
        if($post_contains == 'full')
            $body = '[quote]' . XenForo_Helper_String::autoLinkBbCode(XenForo_Html_Renderer_BbCode::renderFromHtml(nl2br($content))) . "[/quote]";

If the quote was removed then would the posting keep all the tags?
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