XF 2.3 Any way to stop new post if email address changed in < X days?


Active member
May sound unusual, but I wish I could put a waiting period on new posts (in a given forum area) for anyone that's changed their email address recently.

Seen a scam on my forum where someone got access to a forum member's acount, then changed their email address and password, and then posted fake stuff for sale in an attempt to leverage that user's good reputation on the board.

Is that type of policy doable?

Or can the account type be changed to some other type if email address is recently changed?
the workaround for this has been to set reset on accounts that haven't logged in x number of months. it has been an ongoing problem and there is an addon that can automate this for you.

this mostly happens on old accounts which haven't been used in years. though if you are seeing this on active user accounts, you might want to consider enforcing 2fa.
the workaround for this has been to set reset on accounts that haven't logged in x number of months. it has been an ongoing problem and there is an addon that can automate this for you.

this mostly happens on old accounts which haven't been used in years. though if you are seeing this on active user accounts, you might want to consider enforcing 2fa.
thanks. In my case, this happened to two members who were not inactive... so while this security lockout for inactives looks to be good practice, it wouldn't have stopped the recent attacks we had.
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