Guest Posting for XenForo 2.x by AddonsLab

Guest Posting for XenForo 2.x by AddonsLab [Paid] 1.8.0

No permission to buy ($34.99)
Hello everyone!

The add-on is technically the same feature as XenForo 2.2.x has implemented, but there are of course some differences. We will consider upgrading it to 2.3.x No ETA for now, but it will be available soon.

@Sal Collaziano replying to your ticket now.

Thank you!
I would like to disable link posting for guests, XF doesn't prohibit link posting for guests, does this addon provide such option?
I would like to disable link posting for guests, XF doesn't prohibit link posting for guests, does this addon provide such option?

No, this add-on does not limit what users can post. It simply allows guests to create threads and posts, just as registered users can.

Thank you!
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