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[GP] Donations

While editing some stuff to make it better with my forum, I found some things that are not good yet :(

                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_GBP}"><option value="GBP">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_GBP}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_EUR}"><option value="EUR">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_EUR}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_USD}"><option value="USD">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_USD}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_USD}"><option value="CAD">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_CAD}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_USD}"><option value="JPY">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_JPY}</option></xen:if>

(Notice the USD is used 3 times) Should be
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_GBP}"><option value="GBP">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_GBP}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_EUR}"><option value="EUR">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_EUR}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_USD}"><option value="USD">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_USD}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_CAD}"><option value="CAD">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_CAD}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_JPY}"><option value="JPY">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_JPY}</option></xen:if>

Next: When you haven't entered Extra Information, there are like 3 <br />, it looks aweful ;) Make sure there's only one when no Extra Info added.

These are just suggestions:
  • What about using this picture instead of the grey one? https://www.paypal.com/en_US/BE/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif It looks better with XenForo
  • If you set the phrase of the Progress Information to "% of our goal ($20) reached." by default and you replace
    than you don't need to edit the % twice in the options every time a new donation comes in.
  • A <br /> between the donate picture and the progress bar would be nice too :D
That's it :)

Changed, thanks :).

While editing some stuff to make it better with my forum, I found some things that are not good yet :(

                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_GBP}"><option value="GBP">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_GBP}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_EUR}"><option value="EUR">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_EUR}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_USD}"><option value="USD">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_USD}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_USD}"><option value="CAD">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_CAD}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_USD}"><option value="JPY">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_JPY}</option></xen:if>

(Notice the USD is used 3 times) Should be
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_GBP}"><option value="GBP">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_GBP}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_EUR}"><option value="EUR">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_EUR}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_USD}"><option value="USD">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_USD}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_CAD}"><option value="CAD">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_CAD}</option></xen:if>
                        <xen:if is="{xen:checked $xenOptions.GP_Donations_Currencies.Currency_JPY}"><option value="JPY">{xen:phrase GP_Donations_Currency_JPY}</option></xen:if>

Next: When you haven't entered Extra Information, there are like 3 <br />, it looks aweful ;) Make sure there's only one when no Extra Info added.

These are just suggestions:
  • What about using this picture instead of the grey one? https://www.paypal.com/en_US/BE/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif It looks better with XenForo
  • If you set the phrase of the Progress Information to "% of our goal ($20) reached." by default and you replace
    than you don't need to edit the % twice in the options every time a new donation comes in.
  • A <br /> between the donate picture and the progress bar would be nice too :D
That's it :)

Fixed the issue with currencies and line breaks, thanks.

For the PayPal image, rather than change the current one I've just added it to the FAQ if anyone wants to change it themselves. In regards to the percentage issue, it doesn't seem possible to have variables either in phrases or add on options - as it's still displayed in it's unprocessed form in the template. The problem with that method you suggest is that someone then has to have the percentage as the first word of the sentence, or have to go and edit templates otherwise. Although it's not ideal to have to repeat it, I thought it better to allow someone to completely re-word/order the text below.
Have it installed, works perfectly. Looking forward to see auto progress bar and extended features for donators.
Donations are taxable income where I live and therefore should be declared on my income taxes.
On the flip side, hosting, licensing, software needed for development may be tax deductible to offset the income.

There may also be some issues with using the word "donation" if you're not a registered non-profit. Sorry to link to vB but here's one example...


I've always avoided "donate/donations" in favor of "contribute/contributions."
If it's reported, I don't think the government really cares. Income is income.
If you are a charity, that's something else.
I don't care long as there is a
  • progress bar set to x amount
  • resets each month
  • moves member to specified usergroup
  • moves them back after duration
Hi. is it possible to impement http://www.onebip.com/ into the addon? Some of my user dont have a paypal account but would like to donate and asked me if a donation via sms would be possible?! thanks
Would the Addon creator be able to create a XenPorta module to display this addon ?
The listing of the Modules and instructions how to make a module is here.
Save below as Donations.xml and import using Portal/Modules
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <module_cache>+5 minutes</module_cache>
  <module_template><![CDATA[<xen:include template="GP_donations" />]]></module_template>
I have been trying to contact Gaming Perfection but I havent seen him around here lately. I have modified his code to get it to display the way that I want it to to get his opinion if it is alright to do it. I will show you what it looks like on my test site for your views but I wont post the code changes and I havent put this up yet on my active site.


As you can see I have removed his click button and I have made it so as to add the names of those who have donated. I didnt need his button because I have my own in the sidebar that I created separately.
Any thoughts?
I have been trying to contact Gaming Perfection but I havent seen him around here lately. I have modified his code to get it to display the way that I want it to to get his opinion if it is alright to do it. I will show you what it looks like on my test site for your views but I wont post the code changes and I havent put this up yet on my active site.

View attachment 9663

As you can see I have removed his click button and I have made it so as to add the names of those who have donated. I didnt need his button because I have my own in the sidebar that I created separately.
Any thoughts?
Looks really good, what happens when there are a lot of donators? Or does it only show the latest 3?
Looks really good, what happens when there are a lot of donators? Or does it only show the latest 3?

Thanks and no it does show more, but, the only way this works at this point is that I have to go back to /appearance/templates/GP_Donations and manually do the adjustments. Since this only takes a few seconds to do I wont even attempt to look at how to make it more automatic because I dont understand the coding required to do that. I only put those 3 in for demonstration.
I have been trying to contact Gaming Perfection but I havent seen him around here lately. I have modified his code to get it to display the way that I want it to to get his opinion if it is alright to do it. I will show you what it looks like on my test site for your views but I wont post the code changes and I havent put this up yet on my active site.

As you can see I have removed his click button and I have made it so as to add the names of those who have donated. I didnt need his button because I have my own in the sidebar that I created separately.
Any thoughts?

good job!!!
Thanks Cory, I have that button and the Subscribe button as well and they are active on my site. I went about the donation, subscription thing in a different manner so I just wanted the progress bar and nothing else from this excellent addon.
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