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[GP] Donations

My first attempt at a xF mod, a port (with a few minor enhancements) of my simple donations mod over on vB.org. This mod will add a donations block to your side bar on the forum homepage.

gp_donate_euro.webp gp_donate_pound.webp gp_donations_progress_bar.webp

How To Install
  1. Files
    • Download the attached zip file, extract it.
    • Upload it's contents to your forum root.
  2. Import XML file
    • ADMIN CP > Home > Install Add-on > Install from file on server
      • install/data/addon_GP_Donations.xml
  3. Configure Donations Block
    • ADMIN CP > Home > Options > [GP] Donations
      • Configure to suit.
      • Save Changes
  4. Template Edits
    • ADMIN CP > Appearance > Templates > forum_list
      • Find: </xen:sidebar>
      • Above, add: <xen:include template="GP_donations" />
      • Save all Changes
That's it, hopefully others will find this mod useful :).



Version History
  • 24th Oct 2010
    • v1.0.0
      • Initial Release
    • v1.1.0
      • Progress bar - Added an optional progress bar to track percentage of certain donation goal achieved.
  • 1st Nov 2010 - v1.1.1
    • Templates - Minor adjustment to templates to improve HMTL/CSS.
    • Images Directory - Moved images from gp-donations to gp/donations to rationalise folders if multiple [GP] addons are installed.
  • 7th Nov 2010 - v1.1.2
    • Templates
      • Fixed error with currency selection for Canadian dollar and Japanese Yen.
      • Fixed styling issue of extra line breaks if "Extra" Info" is left blank.
      • Added line break beneath donate button and progress bar, if enabled.
Requests for Future Implementation
  • Add progress bar - Implemented in v1.1.0
  • Incorporate paid subscriptions - Investigating
  • Auto-return to a "Thank You" page once a user has donated - Built in PayPal feature.
  • Add ability to auto-create a list of all members who have donated (and the amount) - Investigating
  • How do I enable a "Thank You" page for my users?
    • Create a Page, ADMIN CP > Applications > Create New Node > Page > Proceed > Fill out info > Save Page
    • Log into your PayPal account and go My Account > Profile > Website Payment Preferences > Turn Auto Return on and enter the URL of the page you just created.
  • How do I change the PayPal donate button?
    • Find another image you want, save it as gp_donations_paypal.png
    • Upload it to your website at styles/default/xenforo/gp/donations
    • Overwrite existing file.
Updated to include a progress bar.

At the moment, you have to manually update the options to reflect your percentage achieved. I'll look into incorporating paid subscriptions as well but no promises as I currently have no idea how to do it ;).
Updated to include a progress bar.

At the moment, you have to manually update the options to reflect your percentage achieved. I'll look into incorporating paid subscriptions as well but no promises as I currently have no idea how to do it ;).

Getting closer to perfect! :D
This is great, but the one thing that would make it better would be to have a screen that records the screen names and amounts donated by date. I find that most people like to be recognized, so this is sorta a thank you to them.
Donations are taxable income where I live and therefore should be declared on my income taxes.
On the flip side, hosting, licensing, software needed for development may be tax deductible to offset the income.
This is great, but the one thing that would make it better would be to have a screen that records the screen names and amounts donated by date. I find that most people like to be recognized, so this is sorta a thank you to them.

You can do this by creating your own page with whatever you want to say and editing your PayPal account settings;
  • Create a Page, ADMIN CP > Applications > Create New Node > Page > Proceed > Fill outinfo > Save Page
  • Log into PayPal and go My Account > Profile > Website Payment Preferences > Turn Auto Return on and enter the URL of the page you just created.
I've added this to the FAQ for future reference.
Yes, sorry, I totally mis-read what Ranger was asking for. I believe to do that would require adding a DB table to store such data (and also need an option for users to not appear on the list), not sure how to do that at the moment but will look into it...
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