XF 1.4 Generating user email list without usernames


When I generate a complete user email list by checking the "Only generate a list of email addresses" under the Email Users option in Admin menu, it produces a list with usernames. Is there any way I can get it to *not* include usernames in the email list?

It would require custom development.

If you have Excel though, you can paste the contents into a worksheet and use the text to columns function to separate email address and names into separate columns.
It may work the same way in Excel but I know that in Google Sheets I can just paste in the list of usernames and email addresses and it automatically separates them into two columns.
I just tried it and it doesn't
I've just tested this in Excel from Office 365 on a computer and it does work. Also tested in Numbers on the Mac as well as Google Spreadsheet on a computer. So every spreadsheet software so far that I have tested on a computer, including Excel, does automatically separate them into two columns. Where I have found that it doesn't do this in Excel and Google Spreadsheet is if you are trying to use the apps on a tablet or phone.
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