General 2.3 discussion

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“Conversations” has always been a somewhat confusing moniker. It was chosen, admittedly before the popularity of “direct messages” being used on other services/platforms.. I think the original idea was they wanted to avoid “private messages” as it’s a bit of a misnomer given they aren’t necessarily private - you can invite others, you can have an admin who reads them via an add-on, they can be seen by moderators (partially) if messages are reported and so on.

I was just toying with this change from conversations to direct messages on my test forum and came up with a possibly strange semantic conundrum.

Will we still be using the term leave (instead of delete)? Because if you leave a conversation it is obvious that you are no longer in that conversation. But if you leave a (direct) message it could be confusing, as if you are leaving a message for someone.

OTOH the word delete isn't right because in the xenForo system nothing is deleted until all parties leave.
Clearly a lot has gone into 2.3, much more than one would normally expect for a .1 update, given the development time and I continue looking forward to it.

I'm especially interested in enhancements to the ACP, moderation, things that give more control, along with general user interface refinements.
Yea, @FTL - 2.3 is looking mighty nice to hold us over till 3.0, for sure, and we will have a 'new feature' soon. I wonder if its related to the Webhooks tease in the first HYS 2.3.
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@KensonPlays I just want webp support! I'm totally gagging for it and wish they'd add it in a 2.2.14 update. :ROFLMAO: Every time I link to a BBC or Yahoo article and use one of their pictures, I have to convert the sodding thing to jpeg using Paint. Same with some other sites, too. What a pita.
@KensonPlays I just want webp support! I'm totally gagging for it and wish they'd add it in a 2.2.14 update. :ROFLMAO: Every time I link to a BBC or Yahoo article and use one of their pictures, I have to convert the sodding thing to jpeg using Paint. Same with some other sites, too. What a pita.
While I'm all for WebP support (supposedly it's coming in XF 2.3), but you do know you don't have to convert an image to use a WebP image in XenForo, right?

A random BBC image (in webp format):

Copy the image (in your browser) and just past it in the editor. Done. Let the image paste function in XenForo's editor do it's magic (it ends up not being a webp since XF doesn't support it, but it works purely for converting from webp).

@digitalpoint No, I didn't know that. I just tried it and did the following steps:
  1. Clicked your BBC link
  2. Right clicked the picture and hit Copy
  3. Pasted it into a blank editor post
  4. Hit Preview and got the result below
Did I miss something? I'm on Firefox btw, in case that makes a difference.

@digitalpoint No, I didn't know that. I just tried it and did the following steps:
  1. Clicked your BBC link
  2. Right clicked the picture and hit Copy
  3. Pasted it into a blank editor post
  4. Hit Preview and got the result below
Did I miss something? I'm on Firefox btw, in case that makes a difference.

View attachment 291749
Beats me... definitely just worked for me. Make sure the editor is in WYSIWYG mode. Make sure you are copying the image, not the URL. Maybe try a different browser... definitely works in Chrome (what I just used), but I use it all the time on other things like Safari without issue.

It's actually THE best thing about th editor XenForo uses, imo.

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Beats me... definitely just worked for me. Make sure the editor is in WYSIWYG mode. Make sure you are copying the image, not the URL. Maybe try a different browser... definitely works in Chrome (what I just used), but I use it all the time on other things like Safari without issue.

It's actually THE best thing about th editor XenForo uses, imo.
Ok weird, it works in Chrome. I wonder if the fact I'm on XF Cloud makes any difference here.

@Chris D Any ideas why it's working like this?
Now, this is interesting: if I copy the picture from Chrome, then the paste works in Chrome and Firefox. If I copy again from Firefox, then it fails, which tells me that copy doesn't quite do the same thing between both browsers. Is this something that can be worked around, maybe? Got the latest versions of both browsers installed.

@Chris D
Now, this is interesting: if I copy the picture from Chrome, then the paste works in Chrome and Firefox. If I copy again from Firefox, then it fails, which tells me that copy doesn't quite do the same thing between both browsers. Is this something that can be worked around, maybe? Got the latest versions of both browsers installed.

@Chris D
Probably just what Firefox is putting into the clipboard in that case. Like maybe Firefox copies an image as the URL it's at or something weird like that.
Maybe. Let's see what Chris D comes back with.

Anyway, thanks for that tip. At least I know it can be done.
Don't they have another editor in active development anyway? Unless I'm thinking of something else. I'm sure I read that the other day.

I don't imagine they'll put much resources in the current one if that is the case.
Don't they have another editor in active development anyway? Unless I'm thinking of something else. I'm sure I read that the other day.

I don't imagine they'll put much resources in the current one if that is the case.
Yes. Chris D replied to me about it, saying that it's an improvement over Froala in every way. He didn't give any more details than that, unfortunately. I think it might arrive with 3.0, but don't quote me.
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