XF 2.3 Gallery in 2.3

Damien Alexander

Active member

I have been looking for information on this but I haven't found it. Will XF 2.3 allow me to choose a Native app? Like in IPS, if you wanna use Gallery and Downloads only then you only set up those apps. Will the same be possible in 2.3? If I just want to use XFMG or XFRM alone without the forum part?
They are add-ons, not standalone systems, so my understanding would be that you cannot. There maybe a way to configure/customize things so it appears that way, but you would be paying for Xenforo + the add-on(s).
@Mendalla is correct that you must have the forum, but if you don't need/want the forum, you can effectively disable it already using permissions and by virtue of having no forums, and disabling the navigation tabs for it. There's a few steps, but not too many.

You can then change the "index page route" to point to either XFMG or XFRM thus making one of those essentially the default "app" for your installation. Or you could create a page node to act as a landing page and make that the index, or even use "What's new" as the index. Lots of options depending on how you want it to be but all do-able.
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