XF 1.3 Forum upgrade issue...


I have uploaded the upgrade files to my server, for some reason it wiped my config.php however I know the set up details.

I'm confused, if I try to goto the install directory,

You have already completed installation. If you wish to reinstall, please delete the file internal_data/install-lock.php.

I have not run the install yet.
Did you have your FTP application set to merge?
It sounds as if you had it set to overwrite.

Are you sure you uploaded the upgrade .zip and not the full .zip?

Are your /data and /internal_data directories still intact?

If so, replace the config.php file and you should be able to upgrade.
Both are still very much full of information, and yes upgrade zip.
I entered in the information for the config file, database details etc, and thats where I currently am.
For it to go to the install page you need to be missing either the configuration file (library/config.php) or the install lock file (internal_data/install_lock.php). I would verify both still exist.
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