XF 2.2 Forum suddenly not loading for anybody - 404

Evan Burck

Just overnight, forum was working fine last night and no longer loading this morning. It is loading a 404 page through our WordPress front page. I've checked cPanel file manager and all files are still there. I can see both our WordPress folder and Forum folder exactly where they should be. Yet trying to load /forum is doing nothing.

We keep everything updated - ran the most recent update for Xenforo I believe a week or two ago. It was running PhP 7.3. Just tried updating to 7.4 this morning with no results.

Anything else I should be checking?

Website: http://pnwflyfishing.com/forum

Extensions -> LiteSpeed Extension -> Switch to Apache
Extensions -> Litespeed Extension -> LiteSpeed Configuration -> WebAdmin Console (login)

WebAdmin Console -> Actions (in menu) -> Server Log Viewer

You can filter by display level, and you will need to hit refresh; if the issue with LiteSpeed you'll likely see the error in this log.

If switching to Apache fixes the issue you will be better off asking LiteSpeed for help.
Extensions -> LiteSpeed Extension -> Switch to Apache
Extensions -> Litespeed Extension -> LiteSpeed Configuration -> WebAdmin Console (login)

WebAdmin Console -> Actions (in menu) -> Server Log Viewer

You can filter by display level, and you will need to hit refresh; if the issue with LiteSpeed you'll likely see the error in this log.

If switching to Apache fixes the issue you will be better off asking LiteSpeed for help.

Think that made it worse:
Okay you're using cPanel (Haven't used that in years), not sure why I thought you were using Plesk, but I'm rushing to get some stuff done so sue me.

You probably need to see why Apache is having issues, as that shouldn't be happening. Your issues almost definitely are not with Wordpress or with XenForo and you may need to talk to your host.
Okay you're using cPanel (Haven't used that in years), not sure why I thought you were using Plesk, but I'm rushing to get some stuff done so sue me.

You probably need to see why Apache is having issues, as that shouldn't be happening. Your issues almost definitely are not with Wordpress or with XenForo and you may need to talk to your host.
yeah going to our host was going to be the next move. I appreciate you taking the time to assist either way.
While we're waiting on our ticket with the host: I restored the root htaccess file (or rather, the public_html one) to its original state and I've got the WordPress site to load again (no more server error). Still nothing in /forum though.
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