Forum Statistics "Messages" count going in reverse?


Well-known member
We celebrated our 2,000,000th post on CycleChat last Thursday but today our total messages in the sidebar stats is ... a much lower 1,987,427.

Where have 12,000+ of our posts gone?

I've not deleted them so any idea what's going on?

Shaun :D
I assume you're basing the 2,000,000 based on post ID?

Do you have a private forum? Are you sure you haven't, over the course of the life of the forum, deleted a total of 12,000 posts?

Maybe you need to rebuild caches as well.
Nope, the count is from the total on the sidebar. On the 23rd August it was over 2,000,000+ - we even had a thread started about it - and I haven't deleted twelve thousands posts in the past week. :)
Oh right...

So the count in the sidebar was 2m+ then it randomly dropped -12,000?

Hmm, have you rebuilt the Forum and Thread information in the Admin CP? Might be a good place to start.

What else may have changed in the last few weeks? Made any threads private? Banned anyone with 12,000 posts? Accidentally spam cleaned a valid member?
So the count in the sidebar was 2m+ then it randomly dropped -12,000?

Yeah, pretty much. Odd eh?

Hmm, have you rebuilt the Forum and Thread information in the Admin CP? Might be a good place to start.

Not as yet, no, I was having a think about what might have changed before doing anything.

What else may have changed in the last few weeks? Made any threads private? Banned anyone with 12,000 posts? Accidentally spam cleaned a valid member?

Nope, none of that - although they've all just whizzed across my mental radar.

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