Forum Needs Non-Public Customer Forum

Peggy... please don't feel attacked, as that is not my intention. I am merely trying to discuss and find answers, what others are thinking, what mods are thinking, etc. Nothing more, nothing less.
Peggy... please don't feel attacked, as that is not my intention. I am merely trying to discuss and find answers, what others are thinking, what mods are thinking, etc. Nothing more, nothing less.
I don't feel attacked sweetie. I really don't, lol.

I was merely surprised that you wondered where they were, and that you felt "an injustice" because they weren't posting more. Almost sounded like they didn't have anything better to do.

Yes they were quite active here on the forums before they were slapped with a lawsuit. The suit just added more to their already busy schedule of business, coding, and family. :) So naturally, the amount of posting they did was going to decrease somewhat.
(Posts that weren't relevant and useful for this discussion removed. That's not being heavy handed. This is a valuable discussion and they added nothing, taking it off topic for no reason.)
Please don't take it the wrong way either... as I'm really not meaning any injustice to the statements made... more questions and the way I feel from being here... a few weeks ago compared to now. Major shift in input and feedback from staff vs. mods.
Your input - everyone's input - is valuable to us. :)
This is another aspect... where have XF staff gone? I don't mean mods... I mean actual staff?

I understand staff can't say things about the lawsuit... but I follow staff and have seen extremely little interaction from them here of late.

This is another issue. We all know the problems that have sent another brand into peril, which was lack of feedback and discussion from the devs and business people... mods aren't staff, aren't paid employee's, and aren't company representatives.

I miss it already to be perfectly honest. I feel as though this lawsuit has driven them off the forum completely, and if that's the case, I left one issue for another. Maybe their taking some time off, which would be awesome... but already since this issue, its like input from XF has dried up completely. A simple notice that they are working heavy on something or taking some time off, as they absolutely deserve it... immediately calms customers. A lawsuit doesn't stop general feedback on bugs, feature recommendations, etc... and this was present initially, but now gone.

Please don't get me wrong, I know Kier, Mike and Ashley are no doubt very busy, but I honestly feel their input has dried up on this forum since this notification, and I feel an injustice already as a customer to not be reading more from them in responses to submitted feature requests and such. Those forums used to get sorted, answered... now nothing, and they just continue to build-up.

I had to re-read this posting a few times to be able to grasp what you are trying to say, to be perfectly honest.

Please people, I believe some need to do a little step backwards and take a breath. Can you understand Anthony that your words can come across rather different then you -apparently (since you don't want people to take it wrong)- are intending them to be? Ofcourse Kier and Mike are a bit less active on the public forums... they have a serious lawsuit to take care off! :confused:. On top of that they have a beta cycle to get through! Do you really expect them to also delve into feature suggestions at this point in time? I am really sorry, but in my opinion this is really expecting too much of them and I am rather surprised that people feel the urge to do so and express their worries like this (being it 'an injustice' and all). I have problems understanding why people compare an almost 10-year old business model from another company (where there was indeed almost no developer > customer interaction) to a heavy (but temporarily) phase in XF's existence where there is good reason to set priorities.

All these worries people post here and on other platforms... not sure what benefit it brings... not sure why people feel the need in the first place. Just give the owners/developers some slack please, thank you!`


And to get back on topic: discussions like this one are exactly the reason why I wouldn't want to see a dedicated private licensed customer forum. I am afraid it will stimulate discussions like these (just take a look at vBulletin) and I do not even like the fact that I felt the urge to post my honest opinion (and maybe your words weren't even intended to come across as rather strong... that is the con of communicating electronically; one can not sense the feeling/intention behind written words) in this way. Thanks for understanding.
I understand staff can't say things about the lawsuit... but I follow staff and have seen extremely little interaction from them here of late.
We are acutely aware of our lack of interaction on the forums just recently. I took today off, as it's my birthday, but on normal days we are working flat-out to get XenForo ready for its stable release, fixing bugs and finishing features. The litigation is also occupying a lot of our time, as you can imagine. I know we haven't been spending a lot of time in the suggestion forums of late, but really that's because we're currently focused on finishing what we have before we embark upon another voyage of feature discovery for a future version.

Rest assured that the software is still progressing, and as more features are completed and bugs are squished the stable release grows ever closer. Once we are out of the pre-release stage and the litigation is taking less of our time, we hope to ramp-up our involvement on the forums once again.
We are acutely aware of our lack of interaction on the forums just recently. I took today off, as it's my birthday, but on normal days we are working flat-out to get XenForo ready for its stable release, fixing bugs and finishing features. The litigation is also occupying a lot of our time, as you can imagine. I know we haven't been spending a lot of time in the suggestion forums of late, but really that's because we're currently focused on finishing what we have before we embark upon another voyage of feature discovery for a future version.

Rest assured that the software is still progressing, and as more features are completed and bugs are squished the stable release grows ever closer. Once we are out of the pre-release stage and the litigation is taking less of our time, we hope to ramp-up our involvement on the forums once again.

Happy Birthday. Everyone is entitled to a bit of rest and relaxation.
We are acutely aware of our lack of interaction on the forums just recently. I took today off, as it's my birthday, but on normal days we are working flat-out to get XenForo ready for its stable release, fixing bugs and finishing features. The litigation is also occupying a lot of our time, as you can imagine. I know we haven't been spending a lot of time in the suggestion forums of late, but really that's because we're currently focused on finishing what we have before we embark upon another voyage of feature discovery for a future version.

Rest assured that the software is still progressing, and as more features are completed and bugs are squished the stable release grows ever closer. Once we are out of the pre-release stage and the litigation is taking less of our time, we hope to ramp-up our involvement on the forums once again.

I sincerely hope that litigation will go away soon, however knowing Internet Brands and what they did with vBulletin 4, they should be renamed as.... well, I'll be polite and say they should be renamed to "Pain in my Neck Brands" and will find a way to make anyone's life miserable.
Name bashing is something that kids do. People should stop worrying about their post count and their member status and turn to whats really wrong in the world today.

How did you find out about XF, via the IB post at You knew there was trouble to begin with.

I also feel it is in bad practice to FLOOD this forum with questions and skepticism about this lawsuit. This website belongs to Ashley, Kier, and Mike and if they don't want people posting about this lawsuit than thats their decision. End of story. Don't like it, do what floris did, take it to another website.

Ya having posts deleted can be a nuisance, but if you let that effect your day then you have some serious problems. Get out the house and enjoy the fruits of life, literally. Ya I love my laptop and my pc and this website and the members and all the mods and staff, but when something doesn't go my way or a post gets deleted.....


Some people will argue, "Well I bought a license and I am entitled to my opinions and I should be able to ask whatever I want about XF." No you bought a software license, not a "lets get on the forum and complain license."

Get off their backs and let them work out the mess that is brewing in the courts and keep your hands to yourself.


Anthony Parsons, I think your a great person and I have no problems with you and I understand your concerns. This post is in general and not directed to any one person.

I now turn my post over to the English Nazi's and whiners and post quoter's. ;)
Hmmm, seems Peggy changed her mind, so i'll post it instead ...

Name bashing is something that kids do. People should stop worrying about their post count and their member status and turn to whats really wrong in the world today.

How did you find out about XF, via the IB post at You knew there was trouble to begin with.

I also feel it is in bad practice to FLOOD this forum with questions and skepticism about this lawsuit. This website belongs to Ashley, Kier, and Mike and if they don't want people posting about this lawsuit than thats their decision. End of story. Don't like it, do what floris did, take it to another website.

Ya having posts deleted can be a nuisance, but if you let that effect your day then you have some serious problems. Get out the house and enjoy the fruits of life, literally. Ya I love my laptop and my pc and this website and the members and all the mods and staff, but when something doesn't go my way or a post gets deleted.....


Some people will argue, "Well I bought a license and I am entitled to my opinions and I should be able to ask whatever I want about XF." No you bought a software license, not a "lets get on the forum and complain license."

Get off their backs and let them work out the mess that is brewing in the courts and keep your hands to yourself.


Anthony Parsons, I think your a great person and I have no problems with you and I understand your concerns. This post is in general and not directed to any one person.

I now turn my post over to the English Nazi's and whiners and post quoter's. ;)

I respectfully somewhat disagree that we shouldn't have the right to state our opinions. I only say somewhat as seeing many of us have a good deal, a significant amount of history with Kier, Mike and Ashley. We're concerned.

Lastly, those who bought a license are essentially stakeholders now. Granted we may not own stock, but we do have an interest in seeing this through.
Rest assured that the software is still progressing, and as more features are completed and bugs are squished the stable release grows ever closer. Once we are out of the pre-release stage and the litigation is taking less of our time, we hope to ramp-up our involvement on the forums once again.
Thanks Kier and Mike for feedback. Please don't get me wrong... I am behind this product now 100%, but I very much needed that little bit of feedback that you guys will be back here in the near future interacting again.

And to get back on topic: discussions like this one are exactly the reason why I wouldn't want to see a dedicated private licensed customer forum. I am afraid it will stimulate discussions like these (just take a look at vBulletin) and I do not even like the fact that I felt the urge to post my honest opinion (and maybe your words weren't even intended to come across as rather strong... that is the con of communicating electronically; one can not sense the feeling/intention behind written words) in this way. Thanks for understanding.
Good point about the type of threads that can land in such a forum... and about past experience with this on other sites... hadn't really thought of it in that manner.

Yes... text is very hard to communicate when expression is not present.
Yes... text is very hard to communicate when expression is not present.

Yeah, I am talking from experience ;). In the past I actually could delve into emotional discussions myself, expressing myself relentlessly 'youthfully' so to speak ;) instead of a more mature approach. But wisdom comes with age, they say don't they? Without kidding (more or less), I have experience running a webforum (vB 3.8 powered) for 10 years now, even more so experience communicating through email/chat etc... like all of you are and one of the cons of this kind of communication keeps being that you are communicating in written words, which can lead to serious misunderstandings between people (already experienced it here a couple of times on XF forums). The (great) inventionof smilies already helps a lot, but still unfortunate misunderstanding are just around the corner. I already felt a bit worried myself when I posted my reply to you (hoping that I did not misinterpret your words/intentions and that I would not come across too hard...). My goodness... where is the good old phone these days?! :)
My goodness... where is the good old phone these days?! :)
One reason I'm waiting on who'll be the first forum product to directly integrate some form of video posting into it... solves all problems. :)

And don't worry... also accustomed to a lot of online / email written context... unless a person outright says "Anthony, you're ****er" or such, then I don't get offended. Even then... still doesn't really bother me. Go figure... :D
For anyone in need of some relaxation...... Now dispensing


:) Relax and enjoy your Xenforos ... there is nothing to be gained by useless speculation about something you will never be fully privy too until it is over.

Had the lads come out and said Blah blah blah about the lawsuit, not only could they have potentially jepardised their own defense, they would have lost a lot of respect from any of the actual Grown Up's on this site with a modicum of business and legal experience - childish tantrums and dummy spits don't work well with the legal system.
One reason I'm waiting on who'll be the first forum product to directly integrate some form of video posting into it... solves all problems. :)

Well... there you have a point. Coincidentally I just received a short voice-message a friend posted on my Facebook Wall... I guess it was directly send through her smart phone right on my wall. I tell you that I will sleep now with a smile on my face... a thing that would have never been reached with just written words.... ;)

And don't worry... also accustomed to a lot of online / email written context... unless a person outright says "Anthony, you're ****er" or such, then I don't get offended. Even then... still doesn't really bother me. Go figure... :D

Ah... that's a relief man :)... my night sleep will get even better now ;). But yeah... everyone has his/her own level of sensitivity/values etc really... also one of the reasons why moderating (moderators are also individuals with their own set of... ) a forum (one of the points of this discussion) is not that always that easy as well. But I am not telling anything new. Time to sleep!
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