XF 2.2 Forum name in header problem


It seems like such a simple thing...

I set up my community about a year and a half ago, and thought I did a stellar job of documenting all of the committed changes. One that seems to be missing is how I got the forum name into the header, next to the logo. Here it shows inside of the red ellipse:

header title issue.webp

The theme is Xenfocus Dimension, but all of this seems pretty consistent across all of them. I have no issues finding and replacing the logo. I have no issues changing the slogan as shown by the green arrow ( focus-logo--slogan ). However, I cannot find where the text entry field for focus-logo--name is located to modify that content.

I have been through all of the pertinent ACP sections. It is not located next to the slogan, nor is it affected by the text logo field. I have been through the master and all child themes. No dice. Been through phrases and templates. No dice. Been through extra.less. Definitely no dice, but I have been known to force some very weird kludges into place at 3AM and that file is a cage full of wild animals... 🐯

It would be nice to just shout THWI. 👿🔥 But I have a minor rebranding underway and really need to edit this. Any thoughts?
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It's this line: <span class='focus-logo--name'><xf:if is="property('xenfocus_logoText')">{{property('xenfocus_logoText')}}<xf:else />{$xf.options.boardTitle}</xf:if></span> .

It uses a custom style property called logo text if set, otherwise it uses the board title.
The style author is the best person to ask.

However, you can search for the class in the templates.

My guess is it's in the PAGE_CONTAINER template.

The style author is the best person to ask.

I would like to do that, but Xenfocus is one of those 3P devs that cut you off from their support forums when your original buy expires. I have an issue paying them $15 now for renewal, as it will be at least another year before I move beyond v2.2.16. Too much stuff is not ready for prime time to make the 2.3/4 leap.

That said, the only reference I can find in the page_container file and the info does not lead me to any configurable field or choice:

<!-- Logo -->
    <div class="p-header-logo p-header-logo--image">
        <a href="{{ ($xf.options.logoLink && $xf.homePageUrl) ? $xf.homePageUrl : link('index') }}" class='focus-logo'>
            <xf:include template="xenfocus_event_logo" />
            <xf:if is="(property('xenfocus_logoType') != 'text') AND property('publicLogoUrl')">
                <span class='focus-logo--image'>
                    <img src="{{ base_url(property('publicLogoUrl')) }}" srcset="{$srcset}" alt="{$xf.options.boardTitle}" width="{{ property('publicLogoWidth') ?: '' }}" height="{{ property('publicLogoHeight') ?: '' }}" />
            <xf:if is="property('xenfocus_logoType') != 'image'">
                <span class='focus-logo--text'>
                    <span class='focus-logo--name'><xf:if is="property('xenfocus_logoText')">{{property('xenfocus_logoText')}}<xf:else />{$xf.options.boardTitle}</xf:if></span>
                    <xf:if is="property('xenfocus_logoSlogan')"><span class='focus-logo--slogan'>{{property('xenfocus_logoSlogan')}}</span></xf:if>

I am not a coder, and have little idea of what these conditionals are doing with the name class.
It's this line: <span class='focus-logo--name'><xf:if is="property('xenfocus_logoText')">{{property('xenfocus_logoText')}}<xf:else />{$xf.options.boardTitle}</xf:if></span> .

It uses a custom style property called logo text if set, otherwise it uses the board title.
Thanks Paul for working this through with me. I understand it was in that line, but it was not connecting in my mind. I would have highlighted it red, but Froala does not seem to allow text color changes in code windows...

With the input you gave, I revisited the style properties for the Dimension master and its nested child themes. In all, the "Text logo" field was blank! Earlier today for S&G, I had added a test line to the top child default to see what happened, then merged all. Even on a clean Iridium browser, it did not show up. I backed it out. I knew I had changed it in the beginning, as the original install default declared "Xenfocus" as the name of my board...

However, I find that if I go into each child's logo and navigation panel and commit the text I want, it appears. Why it would not do in by merged inheritance is baffling--but not something I intend to dither around figuring out...


Anyway, you put me on the solution track! The community here is one of the biggest reasons I chose XF for my site. Thank you again.

BTW, exactly were is the board title stored?

Soon the nightmare in the night will be moving the forum to the new domain... Something tells me it is not going to be WordPress simple.
It's a long day--I meant the field that controls the title, but I found it.

At the end of it all, I scrapped the master dark child theme, created a new one with a whole bunch of my custom CSS in extra chopped out. Using the inspector and extra.less to quickly deploy changes is faster than the ACP choices, but leaves nonsense. Must stop doing that on dev. I have gone back and made the formatting choices in the properties as should be done.

Everything now works perfectly, and changes to the name and stuff merge in perfectly to all subthemes. Except for that closing } I carelessly chopped out of a certain CSS instruction. Took me half an hour to find that... :unsure::coffee:
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