Foreach in template hook


Well-known member
Is it possible to do a foreach when using a template hook in the 'message' template? Every time I try it gives me an error that the BbCode_TextWrapper is already in use and cannot be used again.

Go figure, anyway, not sure how else to go about it. I am using a Listener for Post and a Model.

Here is my listener:
class xShop_Listener_Post
* If we are getting the post model, extend it with our custom class that holds a method
* for the images.
* @param string The name of the class to be created
* @param array A modifiable list of classes that wish to extend the class.
public static function listen($class, array &$extend)
if ($class == 'XenForo_Model_Post')
$extend[] = 'xShop_Model_Post';


Here is my model:
* Model for posts.
* @package xShop
class xShop_Model_Post extends XFCP_xShop_Model_Post
    * Constants to allow joins to extra tables in certain queries
    * @var integer Join xShop tables
    const FETCH_XSHOP = 0x60;

    * Gets the specified posts - extended to include thread ban info
    * @param array $postIds
    * @param array $fetchOptions Collection of options that relate to fetching
    * @return array Format: [post id] => info
    public function getPostsByIds(array $postIds, array $fetchOptions = array())
        if (!empty($fetchOptions['join']))
            $fetchOptions['join'] |= self::FETCH_XSHOP;
            $fetchOptions['join'] = self::FETCH_XSHOP;

        return parent::getPostsByIds($postIds, $fetchOptions);

    * Extended to process thread ban joins
    * Checks the 'join' key of the incoming array for the presence of the FETCH_x bitfields in this class
    * and returns SQL snippets to join the specified tables if required
    * @param array $fetchOptions containing a 'join' integer key build from this class's FETCH_x bitfields
    * @return array Containing 'selectFields' and 'joinTables' keys. Example: selectFields = ', user.*, foo.title'; joinTables = ' INNER JOIN foo ON ( = '
    public function preparePostJoinOptions(array $fetchOptions)
        $joinOptions = parent::preparePostJoinOptions($fetchOptions);

        if (!empty($fetchOptions['join']))
            if ($fetchOptions['join'] & self::FETCH_XSHOP)
                $selectFields = ',
                    stock.member_id AS stockMember,
                    stock.item_id AS stockItemId,
                    stock.stock_id AS stockId,
                    item.item_id AS itemId,
                    item.item_img AS itemImg';
                $joinTables = '
                    LEFT JOIN xshop_stock AS stock ON(stock.member_id = post.user_id)
                    LEFT JOIN xshop_items AS item ON(item.item_id = stock.item_id)';

                $joinOptions['selectFields'] .= $selectFields;
                $joinOptions['joinTables'] .= $joinTables;

        return $joinOptions;

    * Returns all posts for a specified thread. Fetch options may limit
    * posts returned. Extended to include thread bans
    * @param integer $threadId
    * @param array $fetchOptions Collection of options that relate to fetching
    * @return array
    public function getPostsInThread($threadId, array $fetchOptions = array())
        if (!empty($fetchOptions['join']))
            $fetchOptions['join'] |= self::FETCH_XSHOP;
            $fetchOptions['join'] = self::FETCH_XSHOP;

        return parent::getPostsInThread($threadId, $fetchOptions);

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