Using foreach in a template, how to bold some words in thread title


Well-known member
I have the following code in a template:

        <xen:foreach loop="$threads" key="$index" value="$thread">
        <tr class="dataRow">
        <td><a href="{xen:link threads, $thread}" title="{$thread.nodetitle}" target="_blank">{$thread.nodetitle}</a></td>
        <td><a href="{xen:link threads, $thread}" title="{$thread.title}" target="_blank">{$thread.title}</a></td>

Currently the thread title (as a link) would show something like this:

"This is an example thread title"

what I would like to do is bold two words like this:

"This is an example thread title"

How can I accomplish this? The words to be bolded would be in the variables $searchWord1 and $searchWord2.

Thank you.
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There's no way to do this in templates and you'll need to modify the title before it reaches the template.
You may be able to use this (or a variation), but its untested:
{xen:helper snippet, $page.content, 150, {xen:array 'term={$search.search_query}', 'emClass=highlight', 'stripHtml=1'}}

Although, that'd reduce the title length if set too small.
That works for one search word. Here's what I have so far.

        <xen:foreach loop="$threads" key="$index" value="$thread">
        <tr class="dataRow">
        <td><a href="{xen:link threads, $thread}" title="{$thread.nodetitle}" target="_blank">{$thread.nodetitle}</a></td>
        <td><a href="{xen:link threads, $thread}" title="{$thread.title}" target="_blank">{xen:helper snippet, $thread.title, 150, {xen:array 'term={$searchWord1}', 'emClass=highlight', 'stripHtml=1'}}</a></td>

Now to figure out how to bold the second word.
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If I change:




then my second search word is bolded.

I wonder if there is a way to have both search words used in the term?
Looking at the source code here:


	public static function highlightSearchTerm($string, $term, $emClass = 'highlight')
		$term = strval($term);
		if ($term !== '')
			return preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote($term, '/') . ')/si', '<em class="' . $emClass . '">\1</em>', htmlspecialchars($string));

		return htmlspecialchars($string);

It looks like this function is designed to return only one highlighted word.
After seeing how the thread title links look with some words bolded, I think I will abandon this idea. Thread title links are much easier to read when there are no bolded words.
You could have used a xen:set:

<xen:set var="$searchTerms">{$searchTerm1}|{$searchTerm2}</xen:set>

And it should have worked.
After seeing how the thread title links look with some words bolded, I think I will abandon this idea. Thread title links are much easier to read when there are no bolded words.

Or at least consistent.

Either all bold typeface or not.
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