Footer's Buy XenForo Now section not centered?


Well-known member
Screen Shot 2017-08-12 at 1.27.10.webp

Wouldn't it look better if the block that has "Pre-sales questions - Buy XenForo now! - Customer area and License validation" was centered?
It should be. This could be a browser issue.

Can you confirm which browser and OS version please?
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Should be sorted now.

Workaround is to hardcode the image to the 1x width. The footer is an exclusive customisation to this site (as it was with XF1 too) so we can guarantee that will always be 100px so no harm in hard coding it.
Well this bug will appear on any XF2 forum because header logo image has the same issue. So setting it to 100% width is not the solution that will work for everyone. I wanted to do the same thing first, but quickly remembered that logos in the header and the footer are identical.
I think it would only come up in customised styles and at that point a workaround would need to be implemented to fit the needs of that style. I don't think it's worth us implementing a workaround for something that should basically never happen for a bug that really should just be fixed by the browser.
Should be sorted now.

Workaround is to hardcode the image to the 1x width. The footer is an exclusive customisation to this site (as it was with XF1 too) so we can guarantee that will always be 100px so no harm in hard coding it.

Still happening for me, albeit less pronounced (so it's closer to the center now after your fix than previously).

After the fix the left edge of the button is about 530 pixels (on my screen) from the left side and the right edge of the button about 500 pixels from the right side (of the corresponding edges of the container)

Screen Shot 2017-08-12 at 11.17.20.webp

I can reproduce this on macOS 10.12.6 using Firefox 54.0.1, Chrome 60.0.3112.90 and Safari 10.1.2.
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