is there only 1design when you buy xenforo ?


Active member
hello was wondering, if there is only 1 design with standard purchase of xenforo?
also is there a login box that has google Facebook etc. logins that comes with the purchase or is this all extras I have to buy and download from third parties?
maybe I missed it - is there a place i can see what is exactly included for the 160.00

thanks and sorry if I missed this somewhere here
XF ships with the default design which you see here on this forum.

Other styles are available from third parties, or you can create your own.

Log in via sites such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, is built in but you need to configure the apps for each one.

Try a demo and disable the optional Media Gallery and Resource Manager add-ons and that is what you get out of the box.

PS I saw a website called it had a different design is this available from a board member here. Or was that made specifically for that websites by their own team if you have any clue. Just looked appealing to my eyes
Thanks again
PS I saw a website called it had a different design is this available from a board member here. Or was that made specifically for that websites by their own team if you have any clue. Just looked appealing to my eyes
Thanks again
Possibly a custom style but it wouldn't be difficult to make something similar.

You can check out third party styles in the resources.

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