Food Fantasia

How about Posting Recipe for Lamb :p

Very simple.

A leg of lamb.

Two or so sprigs of rosemary

Three cloves of garlic

A large red onion

A bottle of merlot or other red wine that you would normally drink.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Roughly dice up the onion, crush a glove of garlic, and cut the rest of the garlic into "spears"

Cut the ends off your sprigs of rosemary, down to where the stem is hard (no comment needed folks).

Drop the lamb into a large marinading dish and pour over a couple of cups of red wine, feel free to finish the bottle off as we don't like to see things go to waste. Add the onion, crushed garlic, and stripped ends of your sprigs of rosemary. On the leg cut incisions with a small sharp knife and insert the spears of garlic and any rosemary you might want to jam in. Finally with your two remaining sticks of rosemary insert long ways, from the fat end, into the meet. The actual stems will give you a good earthy taste.

Put the whole lot into the fridge overnight to let the magic happen, feel free to knock off any second bottle of wine you might have lying about.

Next day pre-heat oven to 200C odd, put the lamb in a roasting dish, pour over the marinade, and let it cook for 1.5 to 2 hours depending on preference. Be warned, the meat will be redder due to the wine so don't be fooled into over cooking.
Very simple.

A leg of lamb.

Two or so sprigs of rosemary

Three cloves of garlic

A large red onion

A bottle of merlot or other red wine that you would normally drink.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Roughly dice up the onion, crush a glove of garlic, and cut the rest of the garlic into "spears"

Cut the ends off your sprigs of rosemary, down to where the stem is hard (no comment needed folks).

Drop the lamb into a large marinading dish and pour over a couple of cups of red wine, feel free to finish the bottle off as we don't like to see things go to waste. Add the onion, crushed garlic, and stripped ends of your sprigs of rosemary. On the leg cut incisions with a small sharp knife and insert the spears of garlic and any rosemary you might want to jam in. Finally with your two remaining sticks of rosemary insert long ways, from the fat end, into the meet. The actual stems will give you a good earthy taste.

Put the whole lot into the fridge overnight to let the magic happen, feel free to knock off any second bottle of wine you might have lying about.

Next day pre-heat oven to 200C odd, put the lamb in a roasting dish, pour over the marinade, and let it cook for 1.5 to 2 hours depending on preference. Be warned, the meat will be redder due to the wine so don't be fooled into over cooking.

Sounds delicious! :)
Very simple.

A leg of lamb.

Two or so sprigs of rosemary

Three cloves of garlic

A large red onion

A bottle of merlot or other red wine that you would normally drink.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Roughly dice up the onion, crush a glove of garlic, and cut the rest of the garlic into "spears"

Cut the ends off your sprigs of rosemary, down to where the stem is hard (no comment needed folks).

Drop the lamb into a large marinading dish and pour over a couple of cups of red wine, feel free to finish the bottle off as we don't like to see things go to waste. Add the onion, crushed garlic, and stripped ends of your sprigs of rosemary. On the leg cut incisions with a small sharp knife and insert the spears of garlic and any rosemary you might want to jam in. Finally with your two remaining sticks of rosemary insert long ways, from the fat end, into the meet. The actual stems will give you a good earthy taste.

Put the whole lot into the fridge overnight to let the magic happen, feel free to knock off any second bottle of wine you might have lying about.

Next day pre-heat oven to 200C odd, put the lamb in a roasting dish, pour over the marinade, and let it cook for 1.5 to 2 hours depending on preference. Be warned, the meat will be redder due to the wine so don't be fooled into over cooking.

Thanks gonna try it :)
I went shopping earlier today (For like 8+ hours) and managed to waste a lot of money but found a lot of things to cook this week and next (y).

I picked up some Bison steaks, some ground Elk (1lb) patties, some ground Venison and some ground Antelope.

Also picked up some weird cheeses; Huntsman (Double Gloucester and Blue Stilton layered together), some rare Dubliner I haven't had in years, a british aged Cheddar with onion marmalade, some Emmi Don Olivo, and a few others. I also picked up some more gjetost cheese (y) as well as found a recipe for making my own:

I'll try to take some pictures, but I already know I'm up for an odd week of culinary experiments.
I went shopping earlier today (For like 8+ hours) and managed to waste a lot of money but found a lot of things to cook this week and next (y).


So we should expect lots of food posts this week :D

Thanks for the link to the cheese site, will check that out!
I went shopping earlier today (For like 8+ hours) and managed to waste a lot of money but found a lot of things to cook this week and next (y).

I picked up some Bison steaks, some ground Elk (1lb) patties, some ground Venison and some ground Antelope.

Also picked up some weird cheeses; Huntsman (Double Gloucester and Blue Stilton layered together), some rare Dubliner I haven't had in years, a british aged Cheddar with onion marmalade, some Emmi Don Olivo, and a few others. I also picked up some more gjetost cheese (y) as well as found a recipe for making my own:

I'll try to take some pictures, but I already know I'm up for an odd week of culinary experiments.

You're eating Bison? Have we lost something in the translation?
You're eating Bison? Have we lost something in the translation?

This guy ;).
That looks amazing. I'm super hungry now.

They were pretty good I have to say.. I could eat that again now :p Noodles for breakfast? .. lol maybe not... *contemplates boring breakfast options* :unsure:

Chopsticks? Looks great. :)

Yeah, I found some Stainless steel ones a few years ago, which I love as they can be cleaned... we also have the lacquered Japanese kind too, but we mainly use these stainless steel ones with Asian food.
They were pretty good I have to say.. I could eat that again now :p Noodles for breakfast? .. lol maybe not... *contemplates boring breakfast options* :unsure:

Yeah, I found some Stainless steel ones a few years ago, which I love as they can be cleaned... we also have the lacquered Japanese kind too, but we mainly use these stainless steel ones with Asian food.
I eat noodles for breakfast all the time (y) (I'm really liking this smiley now LMAO).

I have about 30 pairs of chopsticks, which kinds of weirds my family out. I got my brother some lightsabre chopsticks that he uses when we get sushi :D.
I eat noodles for breakfast all the time (y) (I'm really liking this smiley now LMAO).

I have about 30 pairs of chopsticks, which kinds of weirds my family out. I got my brother some lightsabre chopsticks that he uses when we get sushi :D.

hehehe.. well we know what to get you for your birthday :p More chopsticks for your collection! Lightsabre ones sound like fun :D
hehehe.. well we know what to get you for your birthday :p More chopsticks for your collection! Lightsabre ones sound like fun :D
When I unpack them (they're at my house) I'll try and take pictures of each set.

A few of them are very nice ones I picked up traveling years ago.
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