XF 1.5 Font Awesome replace 'Discussions:' 'Messages:'


TSIA (anyone use that acronym for 'title says it all' maybe too close to US airport security)

Anyways. Is there a resource or add-on to change the "Discussions:" and "Messages:" under each forum to font-awesome chat icons or something similar? Thinking I need less text in my forum_list
This should help:
.node .nodeStats.pairsInline dl:first-child dt { display: none; }
.node .nodeStats.pairsInline dl:first-child:before { content: '\f086'; font-family: FontAwesome; }

.node .nodeStats.pairsInline dl:nth-child(2) dt { display: none; }
.node .nodeStats.pairsInline dl:nth-child(2):before { content: '\f0f6'; font-family: FontAwesome; }
First 2 lines are for discussions icon, last 2 lines for messages icon. Add color and spacing as needed.
Hmm not sure how that's done. But having a different thought. What it be difficult to get ride of Discussions: 150 which is now a font awesome icon and number and just have the Messages. Then I am thinking to move it next to the forum name instead of underneath it. Is this too complex?
Getting rid of discussions: sure.
Moving it next to forum name: that's more complex. Probably not doable.

.node .nodeStats.pairsInline dl:first-child { display: none; }

.node .nodeStats.pairsInline dl:nth-child(2) dt { display: none; }
.node .nodeStats.pairsInline dl:nth-child(2):before { content: '\f0f6'; font-family: FontAwesome; }
Is there a resource or add-on to change the "Discussions:" and "Messages:" under each forum to font-awesome chat icons or something similar?
I am wondering if there is an add-on to do this yet. I am not good with coding, and I would love to be able to change these words ("Discussions" "Messages") to icons.
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