Font Awesome 5
In what was some relatively poor timing, around about the time we released XenForo 2.0,
Font Awesome 5 was released. As you may know, Font Awesome 5 brings a huge number of new icons and in three different styles, light, regular and solid. There's technically a fourth style too, which now represents all of the brand icons.
The number of changes in FA5 means that we've had to wait until a more significant release to implement it. So here we are
First and foremost, you will probably want to decide which style you would like. To do this, we have created a new style property under the "Typography" style property group:
Note: the default we have chosen is "Regular" and therefore the Admin CP will always use "Regular" regardless of the setting here.
It's somewhat tricky to show you exactly what each style looks like, but a comparison of the editor toolbars probably gives the best idea:
Existing XF 2.0 editor with FA4
XF 2.1 editor with FA5 "solid" style
XF 2.1 editor with FA5 "regular" style (the new default)
XF 2.1 editor with FA5 "light" style
We will talk a little bit more about how to use icons in templates at a later date, as there are some changes there. You can, however, just use the HTML code provided on the FA5 website for a specific icon. It is worth noting that the names of some icons and some concepts have changed so your existing icons may not work after upgrading.
A note to style designers:
We have put some measures in place to avoid styles from breaking completely (mostly related to the use of the FA variables in Less templates) but as some variable names and icon names have changed, it is possible that some of your existing icons may render as empty squares or be missing entirely. We strongly recommend you test your styles against XF 2.1 at the earliest of opportunities to ensure that you can be roughly ready for a 2.1 compliant version once it reaches stable.