Well-known member
Follow us buttons should be be included by default, so 1) admins just type in the URLs for their facebook/linked/twitter account, and 2) enable the buttons in the admin section (just like the facebook and twitter buttons in the footer at this page). Today, we manually have to edit templates to include "follow us" buttons.
Follow us buttons should be inluded at the top of the page, as advised here:
It is also argued here that "sharing tools" should be placed near content. Be default, sharing tools
at Xenforo is placed in right column (not near content). The tools can more optimally be placed in or below post by using digitalpoints ad positioning.
Follow us buttons should be inluded at the top of the page, as advised here:
It is also argued here that "sharing tools" should be placed near content. Be default, sharing tools
at Xenforo is placed in right column (not near content). The tools can more optimally be placed in or below post by using digitalpoints ad positioning.