I was hoping(!) there was another tag, or an attribute to xen:h1, that I didn't know about but I guess not. I'll just construct it manually then. Cheers!
@Sheldon, I don't think that works because you're only affecting the h1 element. As you can see, the icon should be floating left of both the h1 and the description.
@Chris Deeming, using a <h1> tag instead of <xen:h1> doesn't work. If <xen:h1> isn't specified, then the view seems to default to using <xen:title> as a <h1> within the the titleBar div. And if you omit the <xen:title> it uses the site name as the heading.
That has the effect whereby the <xen:h1> value is defined so the value doesn't come from <xen:title> but the value is empty so it doesn't render at all.