Firefox keeps getting better, doesn't it?

I just went back to Firefox after using Chrome most of this year. Chrome seems to be sprouting issues that I can't tolerate; and the newer FF is indeed looking and feeling good.

As for Opera, sorry fans, but that browser just doesn't cut it. It's nice and all, but it's behind the times and still doesn't support everything I need it to support.
Uh... Opera has been the browser that has innovated the most in comparison with others. Many features you have in Firefox/Chrome were originally in Opera. It has some bloat, but performance wise its always been better in comparison with the competition :rolleyes:.

Dragonfly is easy to use, and I actually prefer it over Firebug (Firebug increased the CPU/RAM that Firefox used to such an extent I gave up using it).

It has Opera Unite which shares history, visited sites, bookmarks and many others between multiple computers.

To say its behind the times means you haven't used Opera in a long while; just as you couldn't compare Firefox 1 to Firefox 4, you can't compare Opera (x) to Opera 11.

Really? It doesn't look much different than the previous version of FF to me.

Opera changed their UI first :rolleyes:. They did copy Chrome for the minimal display and the way menu is done, but I don't like the way Chromes menu is, and I did give it a month trial. I do use it as my backup browser when needed.
Opera changed their UI first :rolleyes:. They did copy Chrome for the minimal display and the way menu is done, but I don't like the way Chromes menu is, and I did give it a month trial. I do use it as my backup browser when needed.

I was talking about Firefox 4 not looking any different than previous versions. :)
I'm really enjoying using firefox 4. Memory usage has been cut down dramatically, I'm also liking the new layout. Overall, I'm very happy using firefox again.
Firefox won't let me login to my banks website. Keeps throwing a bug report for Firefox. <- Bank of Hawaii
That is not abnormal as banking sites have unique security features and as a result of that you get limited browsers with full functionality remaining at the site.
here is a screenshot of a bank which I hold an account at...

according to this ff4 is not supported but it does infact work...your bank may have similar issues but instead the bank may be rejecting login because of the browser.
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