XF 1.3 Feeder, change timeout


I am trying to import a large feed but I keep getting the timeout which is set to 10 seconds. I want to increase to 60 seconds atleast. Any ideas if possible?
There isn't a configuration option for this, so it would require code changes. The timeout is defined by the HTTP client used by the Zend Framework feed importer.
You can try it:


Rich (BB code):
    protected $config = array(
        'maxredirects'    => 5,
        'strictredirects' => false,
        'useragent'       => 'Zend_Http_Client',
        'timeout'         => 10,
        'adapter'         => 'Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket',
        'httpversion'     => self::HTTP_1,
        'keepalive'       => false,
        'storeresponse'   => true,
        'strict'          => true,
        'output_stream'   => false,
        'encodecookies'   => true,
        'rfc3986_strict'  => false
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