Well-known member
- Affected version
- XF 2.1 / PHP 5.6
Server error log:
Since to xF 2.1 requires PHP 7.1 + to support Push notification then it shouldn't try to send notification if a user enable Push notifications in his account preferences.
To reproduce the error:
I downgrade PHP version from 7.2 to 5.6, when I try to post or react to any content I get the above error.
This happened when the content owner has enabled in his account preferences Push notifications / when I uncheck them the error disappear.
ErrorException: Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected 'const' (T_CONST), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) src\vendor\minishlink\web-push\src\WebPush.php:24
Since to xF 2.1 requires PHP 7.1 + to support Push notification then it shouldn't try to send notification if a user enable Push notifications in his account preferences.
To reproduce the error:
I downgrade PHP version from 7.2 to 5.6, when I try to post or react to any content I get the above error.
This happened when the content owner has enabled in his account preferences Push notifications / when I uncheck them the error disappear.