Facebook's new new new design

I wonder if this is going to drive people to google+ ?

Yep...I'm there, I'm using it more now. Already pruned out much of my fb content. Really hard to go in and delete older posts though...fb made that too difficult (of course).

I'm only keeping fb as a "shell" (so stubborn fb-only friends can still reach me), but I also have some of my business/website "pages" built there, so I have to keep the account regardless.

I've been using some AdBlock filters in Chrome to block the entire righthand sidebar. I also blocked the chat bubble on the bottom of the screen. There is also AdBlock code to hide only the ticker stalker window.

I don't have time to look back and see if I posted this code here already, so I'll post it below.

This custom code added to AdBlock should get rid of the ticker aka "stalker window" (which we're calling it now):


This gets rid of the entire righthand sidebar, including the advertising and "suggestions", and events, etc. (none of which I ever use):


Finally, if you don't use chat, this kills the chat bubble at the bottom of the screen (which had a nasty habit of opening whenever it felt like, lately):

facebook.com##div[class="fbDock clearfix"]

Remember to save your changes!
It was enabling itself and putting me online whether I asked for it or not, and it would sometimes open on its own (like a nag screen). Since I don't "chat," I got rid of it entirely.
Don't like Google+ and more than Facebook. Don't see any real value in either.

Well I had been debating the idea for a while and came to the conclusion that facebook wasn't particularly useful for me. I permanently deleted my account then removed all reference to facebook/Twitter/G+ from my forum.

I could actually count the number of times I've used social media buttons on other sites on one hand. If someone really wants to share a page they'll copy and paste a link anyway. I now no longer have to answer any questions about privacy due to paranoid people freaking about facebook and all my pages load faster, particularly on mobile. Don't know if anyone noticed but if you call xenforo up on mobile each page refreshed 3 times before being fully loaded. If you turn off all the social integration it loads once.

Anyway, getting rid of facebook has been refreshing for me.
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