Facebook Connect


Active member
I get the following error:
Domain.tld - Error
An error occurred while connecting with Facebook. Please try again later.
Then the page refreshes over and over and over. I can not even login with my regular login.

Might I add that it is only the first time I visit the site for the day. After I get the facebook login stopped and login regular. I can then log out and login with facebook.
You can try the Facebook tester in the admin CP (tools tab). The server error log also reports any Facebook connection errors. We do have some FB-related errors reported here, and they seem to indicate problems on FB's end.
It is still not working. I can login with facebook and test the connection. It is only the auto login feature.
Like when I first visit the site with out being logged in. The facebook feature tries to auto log me in.
This isn't an issue I can reproduce locally. I can get automatically logged into via FB without a problem.

The concept of getting automatically logged in and clicking the button are actually very similar; the only difference is how we are given the access token. Can you check the server error log in the admin CP? It's under Tools. This will give us a more specific error message.
Well, I just created a FB-associated account with your site, so we'll see what happens for me. The server error log will still be useful though.
For reference, this appears to be a host-related issue, caused by them blocking any URL which has another URL within (eg, example.com?redirect=http://example.com). If you have this issue, you will need to contact your host and get them to disable that rule for you.
It was a mod_security rule blocking this. I contacted them and they white listed me in about 2 minutes. Nice support from them.

But for a product in a RC stage that is not supported. I sure had great support here. The dev went up and out of his way to make an account on my site, get ftp access, and debug this for me. I can not ask for much more from an unsupported product. A+++ for support from xenForo.

Thanks again Mike.
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