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EzIRC - IRC Chat Add-on

Is it possible to have an option to ammend a prefix/suffix to the username, for example username would turn into username-mysite? I imagine it's possible to hardcode something in at the very least?

This would help a lot as the IRC network we currently use has it's own nickserv and if a username on our site clashes with someone already registered on the network then our user will get kicked off.
Also is there an admin-set option to autojoin a channel on connect? Mibbit has this option but I don't see it in the ACP.
To auto connect for everybody, the FOUNDER of the chat room has to be ONCE in the chat room, identified to nickserv, and have the op status. Then type /autoconnect

Mibbit will update the setting and it should from that point on auto connect for all users.
I don't understand why mibbit was chosen for this. They have huge strange banners if you use the free version. If you want to get rid of the ads, it is 25$/month for 100 users? This is a ridiculous price.

Why not use lightIRC? It has no banners and it is free.
I don't understand why mibbit was chosen for this. They have huge strange banners if you use the free version. If you want to get rid of the ads, it is 25$/month for 100 users? This is a ridiculous price.

Why not use lightIRC? It has no banners and it is free.
To be able to use you'er own irc server would be great :) you could pick anything than right?
To be able to use you'er own irc server would be great :) you could pick anything than right?

Is it cheaper if you don't use their servers but use your own? I didn't see such an option. Yes I have my own irc server but ezirc seems to be the only irc addon for xenforo. I'm using lightirc currently but a xenforo integration would be fine. Even jirc could be better as it is also free and without ads.

You can buy a 5$/month ircd server which supports 100 users and pick anything you like instead of paying 25$/month for this.
Yea you said "Why not use lightIRC? It has no banners and it is free." I mean it would be nice to see a option where you can add any irc server in this mod.
I plan on building a lightIRC Addon in the near future, but getting my head around xenforo is hard for me being used to other stuff... but we'll see!! It will use the Expert version of lightIRC too, meaning you can use pretty much any IRC server, so long as they allow policy daemon. The list of servers that do can be found on the lightIRC website.
Any way to specify globally what channel(s) users will be automatically connected into when they connect via the chat tab?
ie: John goes to Site A, owner of Site A says all member clicking on chat will go to irc.chatserver.net and join #SiteAChat, so John is connected to the said server, in the said channel?
Mibbit is getting banned on many private networks due to abuse, lightirc needs the adobe auth daemon installed on the box the irc server runs in order to connect, the only irc applet that really works is pjirc, would you please consider to add it? Thanks
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