XF 1.4 Exporting Alerts/login/conversations out of XF


Hello, I have recently been working on my Xenforo website, theme, etc. And I decided on the following setup: forum.website.com will house the forums (xenforo install), and website.com will have custom pages which I created. What I want to do, is add: http://i.imgur.com/Yp1vAe1.png - Notifications, login/logout, alerts, etc. Out of xenforo, and export it out of my Xenforo install. This will make the website more fluid, and realistic to use. From what I heard, this is not possible, but I'm not sure if thats correct, and if it isn't, is there a plugin/addon which allows/gives the ability to do so?
If you mean you want that functionality to be available on your page, which is external to XenForo, that would require custom development.
If you mean you want that functionality to be available on your page, which is external to XenForo, that would require custom development.
Yes, I'm aware of the fact that it will require custom development (most already complete), but is it possible in general using Xenforo? I was told it was not (not possible to export notifications/alerts/login, and am kinda doubting that.
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I'm not sure what sort of help you're looking for? Once custom development (code) is involved, there are far more possibilities available. I don't see why a developer couldn't necessarily implement what you're after.
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