XF 1.2 Exclude Node/Forum/Category from Loop



I'm using a template with a code like this to create a widget on my homepage that shows the users with the most threads:

<xen:foreach loop="$MostThreads" value="$Tts">
                            <xen:username user="$Tts.user" rich="true" />
                            <div class="userTitle">{xen:phrase most_threads_count}: {$Tts.discussion_count}</div>

That's working very well! But now I was wondering if I can exclude a specific node from that search. I use a Graveyard Forum for old and closed threads, and I dont want those threads to be valid for the Most Threads Count.

Is there a way to edit the template, or maybe another way via the Forum/Node permissions?

Thank you :)
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