XF 1.5 Error rebuilding XML Sitemap


An exception occurred: An exception occurred: include(Hostname/Com.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/MYDOMAIN/public_html/xenforo/library/Zend/Validate/Hostname.php on line 1220

I looked around the server and I don't see a com.php file anywhere.
I ran File Health check and it says "All 1,226 checked files are present and correct."

Then I looked inside the ZIP of all the 1.5 files I uploaded to the server and I don't see it there either.

Need a little guidance here. Still a newbie to this software.
The specific files referenced would be in the following locations:

library/Zend/Validate/Hostname.php and library/Zend/Validate/Hostname/Com.php

It sounds like the latter of those two is missing. It should be in the download ZIP too, in the same location (upload/library..... etc...).

You may want to do a fresh download of the current 1.5 version, and use a different FTP client to re-upload the files.
OK, I do see them in that path now in the ZIP.

But I agree, I will download again and re-upload to my server.

Kinda late for this, but would be cool if the download links showed a CRC hash so members could check the download.

I will followup after the x-fers are done.
For the most part the file health check is sufficient. It's just the Zend directory isn't covered by that, which is unfortunate in this case :)
True, you got the file check on the back-end, and I agree unfortunate. But hey stuff happens.

Don't understand how it happened though. I used webdav mapped to my PC the first time around and that is TCP shouldn't have been and issue.

This time around I went with good ol' SFTP and simply overwrote the older files.

Seems like it did the trick, I cleared the error log and I'm back to rebuilding sitemap and cache.

Thanks! Stellar support over here. Will drop in and help when I get used to the software.
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